Teen Cards

Business Cards

Doneo Teens

Looking for an interesting way to teach finances to your little ones? Want to make them value money and inculcate saving habits?

Then your solution is Doneo Teens. It is our brainchild to incorporate healthy spending habits among teens from early on. It is a fun app for teens where they can be catapulted to become financially responsible adults in coming years. This app link teens spending and saving pattern with goals that they want to achieve, giving wings to their creativity. Their pocket money can be managed within the app relieving parents to pay for every small expense. Parent’s will have full access to their kids account to keep track of what their ward is doing. They can assign gigs to these young minds to inculcate disciplinary learning. These gigs can make them earn for themselves thus making them financially independent and responsible for their own decisions. They will get to know what living cost is and develop value for money. Financially apt teens will make up bright tomorrow leading to economic growth at individual, family at last country level.

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